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Breast Augmentation

diagram showing before and after of a subpectoral and subglandular breast implants

Breast Augmentation Surgery: Enhance Your Shape and Confidence

Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the shape, size, and symmetry of a woman’s breasts. This surgery involves placing either a silicone or saline breast implant within the chest wall to achieve the desired size, look, and feel.

During your initial consultation, Dr. Webster will perform a thorough examination to assess how much native breast tissue you have, as well as the base width of your chest. Based on this evaluation, Dr. Webster will recommend the ideal type, style, and shape of implant to suit your body and goals. Women who undergo breast augmentation surgery often report increased self-confidence and love the way they look in clothing and swimwear.

Saline vs. Silicone: Choosing the Right Option

Saline Breast Implants

Saline breast implants are filled with a sterile saltwater solution and offer no risk to the patient in terms of extracapsular spread or silicone leakage. Saline implants appeal to many because they generally cost less than silicone implants. In some patients, silicone may be a better option due to the rippling that may occur along the edges of the saline implant which can be more visible on smaller-chested women. Patients considering saline implants must be at least 18 years of age.

Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone breast implants are filled with a gel substance that looks and feels similar to natural breast tissue. They are ideal for women who are thin-chested. Silicone implants are specially engineered so that if the shell becomes compromised (a surface crack), the silicone will remain intact within the implant (known as cohesive gel implants). Silicone implant defects are rare and can only be found through an MRI, unlike saline implants which will deflate. Patients must be at least 22 years of age to receive silicone implants.

Factors to Consider with a Breast Augmentation

Choosing the right implant and surgical approach involves many considerations. Below are the key factors to help you make an informed decision:


  • An implant profile depicts the distance the breast will project forward from the chest wall. Implants are made in low, moderate, high, and extra-high profiles.


  • Breast implants come in two shapes. Round implants tend to offer more fullness on the top of the breast, while teardrop implants are touted to mimic the shape and look of natural breasts.


  • Breast implants are made with a smooth or textured surface. Round implants can be chosen with either surface, while teardrop implants only have a textured surface.  

Implant Placement

  • Submammary (Subglandular):  Under the mammary gland, over the muscle      
  • Subfascial (Retrofacial):  Under the fascia of the muscle       
  • Dual Plane:  Along two planes/layers
  • Submuscular (Retromuscular):  Mostly under the muscle
  • Complete Submuscular (Full retromuscular):  Completely under the muscle

Incision Type

  • Inframammary:  The incision is made in the breast crease where the breast meets the torso
  • Periareolar:  The incision is made just under and along the areola
  • Transaxillary:  The incision is made in the armpit
  • Transumbilical:  The incision is made in the belly button

What to Expect During and After Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia in an accredited surgical facility and typically takes 1-2 hours to complete. It is considered an outpatient procedure. After surgery, there are several tips for recovery, however, it is most important that patients rest for a few days and it is encouraged they move around to promote circulation. As the skin adjusts to the new breast size, it is normal to feel tightness in the chest area. Patients may resume their normal exercise routines within 4-6 weeks. It typically takes around 6 months for the breasts to fall into their final position. The result is a softer, natural-looking breast appearance.

Breast Augmentation FAQS

Are silicone breast implants safe?

Patients sometimes have concerns about the safety of silicone breast implants because of the attention they received in the media years ago. However, the FDA approved their safety. In addition, no evidence has ever been found to link silicone breast implants to cancer, auto-immune deficiency disease, or any other illness. Ultimately, 62% of today’s breast augmentation patients choose silicone over saline. For reconstruction purposes, women select silicone three (3) times more often. 

Should I get breast augmentation or a breast lift?

Breast augmentation will help with size, but it will not correct sagging. If you are happy with the shape and laxity of your breasts, then implants alone may meet your cosmetic goals. If sagging is most bothersome to you, then you may be considered for a breast lift. During your consultation, we will determine if you are better suited for breast augmentation, a lift, or a combination of the two.

Is there a risk of rupture?

Modern engineering creates strong and durable implants. With proper care and regular check-ups, the risks for rupture are rare. If a saline implant does rupture, the solution will be absorbed by the body and the implant will deflate, becoming visibly noticeable. If a silicone implant ruptures, the cohesive gel will stay intact and will not leak into the body. An MRI will be necessary to detect a silicone defect. 

How long do breast implants last?

Most implants will last roughly 10 to 15 years – some even longer. If there is no rupture, leakage, deflation, or any other visible defects (such as rippling, then there is no need to change the implant or have any type of secondary surgery.

To learn more about breast augmentation and if it’s the right procedure for you, schedule an appointment at Oklahoma Plastic Surgeons today!