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Three Reasons Why Your Laser Hair Removal Was Ineffective

By: Oklahoma Plastic Surgeons

Three Reasons Why Your Laser Hair Removal Was Ineffective

1. The Technician

2. The time of procedure

3. Hormones of the individual

The Technician should be certified on the specific Laser that is being used and familiar with the setting that will be the best and most effective on various patients. For Example: Someone with darker skin and course hair will have a setting different than someone with light skin and softer hair. If the wrong settings are used this could result in Hyperpigmentation of the skin or ineffective treatments. Don’t waste your money! Make sure the technician is qualified so you can get maximum satisfaction at each session.

The time of procedure is also important for maximum results. The hair growth cycle consists of three stages: Growth Phase (Anagen), Transition Phase (Catagen), and Resting Phase (Telogen) the old hair falls out and the growth or Anagen phase begins again. The best cycle to be in while undergoing Laser Hair Removal is during the Anagen, or growth phase, of the hair that laser, IPL or LHE permanent hair removal treatments can destroy hair at its roots and therefore prevent any new growth. If you saw a less than stellar result on your last treatments it could have been due to not being in the hair growth stage in the cycle during time of procedure.

Hormonal imbalance while undergoing laser treatments can stimulate increased hair regrowth. Or, the laser treatments may remove the existing hair, but the excess male hormones (testosterone) will stimulate regrowth quickly, meaning woman or men receiving hormone replacement therapy at the time of hair removal may see the decrease of hair after treatment but will have more regrowth than someone who is not receiving hormone therapy. This can also be the case for some with other hormone imbalances.

In Conclusion; there are many reasons why Laser Hair Removal can be ineffective but also many ways to help the procedure to be effective. At Oklahoma Plastic Surgeons we have certified technicians that are well trained and will go over your medical history thoroughly to make sure you are a good candidate and receive maximum results from your Laser Hair Removal sessions.

Gentle Max Pro

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.